A little while ago I posted a script for enabling users for Lync and settings some settings for that user. That script has been used here ever since I posted it and it has worked like a charm. However there’s always room for improvement, right?.

So I have made a function out of it and for the first time (I think) I have even implemented some error handling. The function is also improved quit a bit on the help section and the info that is shown to the user after the function completes.

As in the script, this function will enable the user for Lync and set some default settings like Dial Plan, Voice Policy, Conferencing Policy. It also gives you the option to specify a Line URI.
The difference is that this function will use the default settings only if nothing else is specified, so you can change the settings if you like, using parameters. Of course theres also the possibility to pipe input from a csv file.

Here’s the code:

function Enable-LyncUser {
 Param (
 [string]$Pool = 'lyncpool1.test.local',
 [string]$DialPlan = 'DialPlanSIPtrunk',
 [string]$Voice = 'SIP Trunk Service',
 [string]$Conference = 'Conference',

Write-Host "Enabling user..."

#Importing the Lync PowerShell module
Import-Module Lync

#Trying to enable the user for Lync
try {
 Enable-CsUser -identity $Identity -RegistrarPool $Pool -SipAddressType emailaddress

#Catching errors, aborting if the user is not found
catch [Microsoft.Rtc.Management.AD.ManagementException] {
 throw "User not found, check username"

#Sleeping, so that the next command doesn't fail
Write-Host "Sleeping... Please wait..."
Start-Sleep -s 4

Write-Host "Configuring user..."

#Setting the user as EnterpriseVoice enabled
Set-CsUser -identity $Identity -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $True
#Setting dial plan
Grant-CsDialPlan –Identity $Identity -PolicyName $DialPlan
#Setting voice policy
Grant-CsVoicePolicy –Identity $Identity –PolicyName $Voice
#Setting conferenceing policy
Grant-CsConferencingPolicy -identity $Identity -PolicyName $Conference

#Trying to set the optional Line URI
try {
 Set-CsUser -identity $Identity -LineUri $LineURI

#Cathing errors and continuing
catch [System.FormatException] {
 Write-Error -Message "Wrong format on LineURI, it should be tel:+xxxxxxxx." -Category SyntaxError

Write-Host "Config finished"

#Grabbing the Lync login for the user and writing it to the host
$SipAddress = Get-CsUser -Identity $Identity | Select-Object SipAddress
Write-Host "The user may now log in to Lync as $($SipAddress.SipAddress.substring(4))" -ForegroundColor Green

  Enables given user for Lync and sets config
  The function will enable the user for Lync and add the given config, if no config is given the default values will be used.
 .Parameter Identity
  The user who you want to enable for Lync
 .Parameter Pool
  The Lync pool you want to assign a user to. Default is lyncpool1.test.local
 .Parameter DialPlan
  The dialplan you want to associate the user with. Default is DialPlanSIPtrunk
 .Parameter Voice
  The voice policy you want to associate the user with. Default is SIP Trunk Service
 .Parameter Conference
  The conference policy you want to associate the user with. Default is Conference
 .Parameter LineURI
  If you want to specify a Line URI, do so in the format of tel:<number>
  Enable-LyncUser user1
  This will enable user1 with default settings
  Enable-Lyncuser user2 -LineURI tel:+4712345678
  This will enable user2 and set the lineuri to tel:+4712345678


You may wonder why the Start-Sleep command is there. The reason is that my testing indicated that the function will work to fast for Active Directory if it isn’t there. During my testing I found that without the sleep the next command, Set-CsUser, will fail because the object cannot be found. Running the function again resultet in no errors.
Therefore I tested adding a few seconds of sleep to prevent the Set-CsUser command (and the following commands) from failing. Depending on you environment you can decrease the seconds or even remove the sleep, but I found that 3 seconds was just a bit to short (sometimes it would fail, sometimes not) so I ended up with 4.

I am kinda proud of the error handling in this function, given that I have never used error handling in Powershell before. But please let me know if there are improvements to be made or errors in my code.