My very first PowerCLI related post was about this same topic: listing snapshot info using PowerCLI.
In my original post (which you can see here) I only wrote a pretty simple one-liner. Which was kind of okay, but it was missing one crucial thing: who took the snapshot?

Why vmware hasn’t found a way to include a username in the get-snapshot cmdlet is something I just can’t understand. There’s really not much code needed to add this to the output, and there’s several ways of doing so.

I found that using Get-Snapshot and Get-VIEvent together was the easiest way to get all the info I want. It’s not a perfect solution, seeing as I really wanted to make use of the much faster Get-View instead of Get-Snapshot, but I have yet to figure out a good way to handle snapshot trees using Get-View.

As usual I created a function for this, Get-Snapshots:

function Get-Snapshots
           Param (
               [string]$VM = '*'

   $collection = @()
   Write-Progress -Activity "Finding snapshots..." -Status "This will tak a while, please wait" -PercentComplete 20 -Id 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
   $snapshots = Get-Snapshot -vm $VM
   Write-Progress -Activity "Finding snapshots..." -Status "Found all snapshots" -Completed -Id 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

   $progress = 1
   foreach ($snapshot in $snapshots) {
       Get-VIEvent -Start ($snapshot.Created).addminutes(-5) -Finish ($snapshot.Created).addminutes(5) -Entity $ -Types info -maxsamples 20 | Where-Object {$_.FullFormattedMessage -like "*Create virtual machine snapshot*"} | ForEach-Object {
               Write-Progress -Activity "Finding snapshots" -Status "Working on $($_.Vm.Name)" -PercentComplete ($progress/$snapshots.count*100) -Id 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
               $object = New-Object PSObject
               Add-Member -InputObject $object NoteProperty VM $_.Vm.Name
               Add-Member -InputObject $object NoteProperty User $_.Username
               Add-Member -InputObject $object NoteProperty "Snapshot name" $Snapshot.Name
               Add-Member -InputObject $object NoteProperty "Snapshot description" $Snapshot.Description
               Add-Member -InputObject $object NoteProperty SizeGB ([math]::Round($Snapshot.SizeGB))
               Add-Member -InputObject $object NoteProperty Time $_.CreatedTime
               $collection += $object

   Write-Progress -Activity "Finding snapshots" -Status "All done" -Completed -Id 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

     Lists snapshots in vCenter
     List all snapshots in the entire vCenter
     Lists all snapshots in the vCenter

You can run the function as it is, without any parameters, or you can specify which vm you want to get the snapshots of:

As you can see, the output is a list. If you want it to be more readable for human eyes, I recommend piping it to Format-Table:

If you would rather run this as a script, instead of using the function, here’s the code for that:

   $collection = @()
   $snapshots = Get-Snapshot -vm *

   $progress = 1
   foreach ($snapshot in $snapshots) {
       Get-VIEvent -Start ($snapshot.Created).addminutes(-5) -Finish ($snapshot.Created).addminutes(5) -Entity $ -Types info -maxsamples 20 | Where-Object {$_.FullFormattedMessage -like "*Create virtual machine snapshot*"} | ForEach-Object {
               Write-Progress -Activity "Finding snapshots" -Status "Working on $($_.Vm.Name)" -PercentComplete ($progress/$snapshots.count*100) -Id 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
               $object = New-Object PSObject
               Add-Member -InputObject $object NoteProperty VM $_.Vm.Name
               Add-Member -InputObject $object NoteProperty User $_.Username
               Add-Member -InputObject $object NoteProperty "Snapshot name" $Snapshot.Name
               Add-Member -InputObject $object NoteProperty "Snapshot description" $Snapshot.Description
               Add-Member -InputObject $object NoteProperty SizeGB ([math]::Round($Snapshot.SizeGB))
               Add-Member -InputObject $object NoteProperty Time $_.CreatedTime
               $collection += $object

   Write-Progress -Activity "Finding snapshots" -Status "All done" -Completed -Id 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

The output, $collection, can be piped to Format-Table if you want a nice table of it: