PowerCLI: Listing VMs with ISOs mounted

For almost a year ago, I posted a simple one-liner to list all VMs who has ISOs mounted. You can view that post here: http://cloud.kemta.net/2013/10/powershell-vmware-list-all-vms-with-iso-mounted-and-dismount-them/ That post was written before I truly discovered the major advantages of using Get-View instead of Get-VM, Get-VMHost and so on. If used correctly, there’s a major difference in speed when using Get-View over Get-VM. When writing this post I checked the differences in speed when using the old way that I linked to above and my new function (which I’ll get to in a second or two....

September 9, 2014 · nerenther

PowerCLI: List all vm's with ISO mounted and dismount them

Easy-peasy and a pretty short post… To get all vm’s with iso mounted: Get-VM | Get-CDDrive | select @{N="VM";E="Parent"},IsoPath | where {$_.IsoPath -ne $null} Then, to dismount those: Get-VM | Get-CDDrive | where {$_.IsoPath -ne $null} | Set-CDDrive -NoMedia -Confirm:$False

October 10, 2013 · nerenther