PowerCLI: Locate a MAC-address in vCenter

To find out to which vm a MAC address belongs, you can use a simple one-liner: Get-vm | Select Name, @{N=“Network“;E={$_ | Get-networkAdapter | ? {$_.macaddress -eq“00:50:56:A4:22:F4“}}} |Where {$_.Network-ne “”} (Courtesy of this page: http://www.virtu-al.net/2009/07/07/powercli-more-one-liner-power/ ) Thats really great, and you can easily extend the one-liner to include more data if you like. But for someone who isn’t comfortable with using PowerCLI yet, it can seem a bit terrifying. Therefore I usually create functions for long one-liners like this one....

October 23, 2013 · nerenther

PowerCLI: List all vm's with ISO mounted and dismount them

Easy-peasy and a pretty short post… To get all vm’s with iso mounted: Get-VM | Get-CDDrive | select @{N="VM";E="Parent"},IsoPath | where {$_.IsoPath -ne $null} Then, to dismount those: Get-VM | Get-CDDrive | where {$_.IsoPath -ne $null} | Set-CDDrive -NoMedia -Confirm:$False

October 10, 2013 · nerenther

PowerCLI: Migrate all vm's on a datastore

PowerCLI is just awsome 🙂 This simple one-liner migrates all vm’s off one datastore to a new one: Get-VM -Datastore <datastore1> | Move-VM -Datastore <datastore2> You can also move vm’s off one datastore and place them in any datastore within a specified datastore cluster: $DatastoreCluster1 = Get-DatastoreCluster -Name 'DatastoreCluster1' Get-VM -Datastore <datastore1> | Move-VM -Datastore $DatastoreCluster1

October 8, 2013 · nerenther

PowerCLI: List all snapshots

It’s been a while since last update, again, so I figured I should at least provide something.. I recently started in a new job, and one of the first things I looked into was the amount of snapshots in our vmware environments. Not surprisingly there was a lot of snapshots, and very few of them had any hints of when they were taken and why. The vsphere console doesn’t provide this info so I had to turn to PowerCLI to get the info I needed....

October 3, 2013 · nerenther