Import MIBs in Zenoss

If you are using Zenoss as a monitoring solution, chances are you are sending snmp traps to it, right? In that case you should always remember to import the MIBs for the devices you are monitoring. Because if you don’t it can be a real pain in the ass to figure what it is wrong when all you see is a “warning snmp trap enterprises.”. Sadly there is no way to import MIBs using the gui in Zenoss, you have to use the cli....

August 29, 2011 · nerenther

Nifty Debian packages

A little list of some nifty packages for Debian: sudo Oddly enough this isn’t installed by default. Well known for most Linux users, but it enables regular users to perform commands as root without actually logging in as root. **molly-guard ** Protects you from shutting down wrong server when using ssh to a server. What it does is ask you which server you want to shutdown when you run the command shutdown....

August 15, 2011 · nerenther