Import MIBs in Zenoss

If you are using Zenoss as a monitoring solution, chances are you are sending snmp traps to it, right? In that case you should always remember to import the MIBs for the devices you are monitoring. Because if you don’t it can be a real pain in the ass to figure what it is wrong when all you see is a “warning snmp trap enterprises.”. Sadly there is no way to import MIBs using the gui in Zenoss, you have to use the cli....

August 29, 2011 · nerenther

Xerox ZenPack for Zenoss 3.x

At the company where I currently work we lease a bunch of Xerox copiers. Those leasing contracts are based on number of prints per device. That means that once a month we have to gather pagecounts from all our printers (about 100 of them) and report them to our supplier, which takes a lot of time. Since we already were using Zenoss for monitoring of the printers I figured I could try and gather the information via snmp....

May 31, 2011 · nerenther